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Legend (Public/PCC_Map)

Water CIP - points (3)
FY19 FY19
FY20 FY20
FY21 FY21
FY22 FY22
FY23 FY23
FY24 FY24
Water CIP - lines (4)
FY19 FY19
FY20 FY20
FY21 FY21
FY22 FY22
FY23 FY23
FY24 FY24
In Progress Water CIP - points (6)
In Progress Water CIP - lines (7)
Completed Water CIP - Points (9)
Completed Water CIP - Lines (10)
Transportation CIP - points (13)
FY19 FY19
FY20 FY20
FY21 FY21
FY22 FY22
FY23 FY23
FY24 FY24
Transportation CIP - lines (14)
FY19 FY19
FY20 FY20
FY21 FY21
FY22 FY22
FY23 FY23
FY24 FY24
In Progress Transportation CIP - points (16)
In Progress Transportation CIP - lines (17)
Completed Transportation CIP - Points (19)
Completed Transportation CIP - Lines (20)
Wastewater CIP - points (23)
FY19 FY19
FY20 FY20
FY21 FY21
FY22 FY22
FY23 FY23
FY24 FY24
Wastewater CIP - lines (24)
FY19 FY19
FY20 FY20
FY21 FY21
FY22 FY22
FY23 FY23
FY24 FY24
In Progress Wastewater CIP - points (26)
In Progress Wastewater CIP - lines (27)
Completed Wastewater CIP - Points (29)
Completed Wastewater CIP - Lines (30)
MDT Urban Boundary (2010) (33)
Transportation Master Plan Points (34)
Transportation Master Plan Lines (35)
Total Number of Jobs (37)
1 - 35 1 - 35
36 - 199 36 - 199
200 - 462 200 - 462
463 - 1383 463 - 1383
1384 - 2761 1384 - 2761
Number of Retail Jobs (38)
1 - 40 1 - 40
41 - 131 41 - 131
132 - 339 132 - 339
340 - 782 340 - 782
783 - 1559 783 - 1559
Number of Service Jobs (39)
0 - 22 0 - 22
23 - 85 23 - 85
86 - 193 86 - 193
194 - 483 194 - 483
484 - 724 484 - 724
Number of Basic Jobs (40)
0 - 15 0 - 15
16 - 56 16 - 56
57 - 127 57 - 127
128 - 318 128 - 318
319 - 478 319 - 478
Number of Dwelling Units (41)
4 - 55 4 - 55
56 - 250 56 - 250
251 - 450 251 - 450
451 - 850 451 - 850
851 - 2000 851 - 2000
Street Classification (42)
Collector - Existing Collector - Existing
Collector - Future Collector - Future
Interstate Interstate
Minor Arterial - Existing Minor Arterial - Existing
Minor Arterial - Future Minor Arterial - Future
Principal Arterial - Existing Principal Arterial - Existing
Principal Arterial - Future Principal Arterial - Future
2017 Transportation Plan Boundary (43)
Water Facility Plan Boundary (45)
Water Facility Plan Points (46)
Water Facillity Plan Lines (47)
Transmission Main Improvements Transmission Main Improvements
New Growth & Development Pipe New Growth & Development Pipe
Future Pressure Zones (48)
HGL 4725 Northwest 3 HGL 4725 Northwest 3
HGL 4850 Northwest 2 HGL 4850 Northwest 2
HGL 4975 Northwest 1 HGL 4975 Northwest 1
HGL 5038 Lyman HGL 5038 Lyman
HGL 5126 South (Sourdough) HGL 5126 South (Sourdough)
HGL 5221 Water Treatment Plant HGL 5221 Water Treatment Plant
HGL 5350 Southwest HGL 5350 Southwest
HGL 5360 North Mountain HGL 5360 North Mountain
HGL 5560 Southeast Mountain HGL 5560 Southeast Mountain
HGL 5630 East Mountain HGL 5630 East Mountain
Existing Pressure Zones (49)
Gallatin Park (HGL 4885) Gallatin Park (HGL 4885)
Knolls (HGL 5185) Knolls (HGL 5185)
Northeast (HGL 5038) Northeast (HGL 5038)
Northwest (HGL 4940) Northwest (HGL 4940)
South (HGL 5125) South (HGL 5125)
West (HGL 4980) West (HGL 4980)
Sewer Facility Plan Boundaries (51)
Wastewater Facillity Plan Points (52)
Wastewater Facillity Plan Lines (53)
Proposed Shared Use Paths (PROST) (55)
Proposed Trails (PROST) (56)
Zoning Districts (57)
R-S (Residential Suburban) R-S (Residential Suburban)
R-1 (Residential Single-Household, Low Density) R-1 (Residential Single-Household, Low Density)
R-2 (Residential Single-Household, Medium Density) R-2 (Residential Single-Household, Medium Density)
R-3 (Residential Medium Density) R-3 (Residential Medium Density)
R-4 (Residential High Density) R-4 (Residential High Density)
R-5 (Residential Mixed Use High Density) R-5 (Residential Mixed Use High Density)
R-O (Residential Office) R-O (Residential Office)
R-MH (Residential Mobile Home) R-MH (Residential Mobile Home)
REMU (Residential Emphasis Mixed Use) REMU (Residential Emphasis Mixed Use)
B-1 (Neighborhood Business) B-1 (Neighborhood Business)
B-2 (Community Business) B-2 (Community Business)
B-2M (Community Business District-Mixed) B-2M (Community Business District-Mixed)
B-3 (Central Business) B-3 (Central Business)
M-1 (Light Manufacturing) M-1 (Light Manufacturing)
M-2 (Manufacturing and Industrial) M-2 (Manufacturing and Industrial)
BP (Business Park) BP (Business Park)
UMU (Urban Mixed Use) UMU (Urban Mixed Use)
HMU (Historic Mixed Use) HMU (Historic Mixed Use)
PLI (Public Lands/Institutions) PLI (Public Lands/Institutions)
Existing Street Network (58)
Planning Projects (60)
Initial Review Initial Review
On Hold On Hold
Final Review Final Review
Final Approval Final Approval
Non-Active Planning Projects (61)
Growth Policy - Proposed Boundary (62)
Growth Policy - Land Use (63)
Residential Residential
Residential Emphasis Mixed Use Residential Emphasis Mixed Use
Suburban Residential Suburban Residential
Regional Commercial and Services Regional Commercial and Services
Community Core Community Core
Community Commercial Mixed Use Community Commercial Mixed Use
Business Park Mixed Use Business Park Mixed Use
Industrial Industrial
Public Institutions Public Institutions
Parks, Open Space and Recreational Lands Parks, Open Space and Recreational Lands
Other Public Lands Other Public Lands
Golf Course Golf Course
Present Rural Present Rural
Drainage Basins (64)
Aajker Creek Aajker Creek
Baxter Creek Baxter Creek
Big Gulch Big Gulch
Bozeman Trail Bozeman Trail
Bridger Creek Bridger Creek
Canon Creek Canon Creek
Cattail Creek Cattail Creek
Churn Creek Churn Creek
Deer Creek Deer Creek
East Gallatin River East Gallatin River
Farmers Canal Farmers Canal
Little Bridger Creek Little Bridger Creek
Lower Bozeman Creek Lower Bozeman Creek
Spring Creek Spring Creek
Sypes Creek Sypes Creek
Upper Bozeman Creek Upper Bozeman Creek
Upper Rouse Upper Rouse